“La Explosión de la Ciudad”
Contribution to publications + Exhibition
ISBN: 84-96185-18-4The Explosion of the city
Morpholigies, Observations and Motions within recent territorial transformations in the South Europe Urban Regions.
The current configurations f the urban regions in the South of Europe are consequences of the process of “explosion of the city” that has occurred in the last three decades in the western societies. This process involves and increase in urban dynamics and their diffusion through diverse territories. Thus territories acquire metropolitan characteristics in terms of use of space, land and energy comsumption, functional structure, spatial morphologies, etc..
The morphological realities if these territories are presented along with some selective observations of social behavior in the new settings for urban life.
Concept design of the Exhibition at Architectural Association of Barcelona (COAC) 2004.
The exhibition presents the research papers of thirteen international university research teams on their respective regions. The papers address the current spatial configuration, the causes or engines of transformation and their relation to regional polices or to urban planning.